If everything is too zoomed in, pres ctrl and - to zoom out. Replace - with + to zoom back in.
Add links to original source to images - mess with the color of some images - ocean collage/background for water critters page - deep ocean/trench page - custom scrollbars - put music box where to-do list is and make to-do list smaller and under music box - use twilight princess bug sprites somewhere - make coat collection black and white
The snake in the image is courtesy of this tumblr user. The one above not this sick ass divider
welcome to this digital dimension i call home! i love you for visiting. it means a lot to me. this site will always be under construction and all things are up for change. it's better that way. this digital domain houses lots of art, links, and animals in its various corners. don't be afraid to stick your nose into them, especially if there's a lot of spiderwebs!