you can call me judge. i am an autistic adult living in the USA, in a swamp underneath a rotting log. don't ask how i get internet down here. i use any pronouns. i'm pretty bad at describing myself to others, so i want to have this site do the talking for me in a way. at least its easy to say factual things about myself.
i made this website not just cuz its awesome to have your very own website you can do whatever you want with, but i also want to contribute to the web revival movement and have some fun while fighting agasint web 3.0. i value all forms of art and website building is an art form i love experiencing, it alllows for a completely unique type of self expression to be made, which deserves to be free.
another reason i made this site is to share things that i love, moreso internet related things. i love how unique of a landscape the world wide web can be and wish to bring back some of the magic of the older web in this social media obsessed world.
my favorite pokemon is garchomp
das it for now... maybe... :p