This page is for any art I find that is not mine that I want to share or post about.

Sorry if I switch between past and current tense in reviews, I try to remember to talk in current tense but slip up a lot.

Saw X

OK so I will have this page organized into categories but i just saw saw x and wanted to get my thoughts down fresh after viewing. I LOVED it I think its the best saw film ive seen. ive only seen 1-3 but still! That was so much more complex than 1 and 3 combined i think :,) I enjoyed how these traps were personal for john, it seems like revenge but john believes that everyone deserves a second chance. even when he Knew cecila was hooking up with mac or whoever and mac tries to play innocent. i loved the traps as well! the radiation machine one stood out, that was SOOOO cool. the actors were fantastic at conveying their fear and I liked the scenes showing how they all got captured by amanda. they were shot very well and kept me engaged, i even felt a little concern for cecila's kidnapping too. i know its not biting commentary when i just say "i liked" or "i loved" but i liked so many little things in this movie! how cecila using veronikas small intestine as a rope was a kind of foreshadowing to her violence (we knew she was a bad person but not THAT bad yet), how amanda was sympathetic to gabriela I LOVED THAT!!!! OF COURSE SHE'D BE SYMPATHETIC TO HER!!! amanda was in her same situation. I loved how it wasnt a one-time thing as well, she talked to john about it and she mourned gabriela when cecila killed her. I really love how they acknowledged her sympathy!! I think that was really important to show mainly cuz it gave amanda some room in the film. she didnt have much space to fill in aside from that. I HATE that GRRRR!!!! I LOVE AMANDA!!!! im joking lol. but i do wish she got a liiiitle more screen time? maybe im just saying that because i love her. also, when the puppet was cycling over to the electrocuted guy I could not get the thought of the puppet falling over out of my head. what if it did. what would john do. just go down there and pick him back up wordlessly? lmao. I'll make this easier to read later and clean up my grammer too. Just wanted to write down by bare thoughts.

Occult (2009)

Just want to say please watch this movie if you haven't seen it!! It is on youtube for free with no ads! And the subtitles are great, don't worry about that. This film is Japanese, it's by the same guy who directed Noroi: the Curse (another movie I love).

This is one of my very favorite horror movies. I saw it sometime in 2022 and fell in love. This film makes me feel a certain kind of terror that you only feel in real life. Because this movie IS real life. I believe that nearly every aspect of Occult was meant to be as real as possible. Most of the cast members are playing themselves, everything is filmed handheld on dinky 2000s cameras, the acting is amazingly natural, and most importantly, everything feels so mundane. That is very apparent in the settings, like McDonalds, an office room, downtown. That is this movie's biggest strength, its ability to feel so so real despite the supernatural elements. This story is about real things that happen in real life. Suicide bombings in the name of a deity is not something unique to fiction. People all over the world commit atrocities in the name of a god or gods, and Occult makes you confront that knowledge by placing you right in the center of it all. And showing you the ending, OH THAT ENDING... it was all for nothing. All this murder, all this pain, all for nothing. Innocent people get sent to the leech hell just by knowing Shiraishi and Shohei, like the interviewer. Innocent people get wraped up into these terrible plans that have no purpose in the end.

Now for the filmaking part; a lot of people criticize the effects for being very rudimentary and low effort. I'm not going to say they're not super simple. They totally are. But I think that makes them even more unsettling. Cuz if you take that in context with how real this movie is meant to be, they stand out too much against the painfully mundane cityscape. It's terrifying seeing something that so clearly does not belong be right there in front of you. Another reason they work for me is that I have minor hallucinations that look a lot like them. I see them out of the corner of my eye, and they look a lot like the shadow-ey shapes shown in the movie. I felt a connection there, but I know this is a personal connection that came about by coincidence. But that's why I love Occult! Cuz it portrayed something I experience, unintentionally. Every single actor did a phenomenal job, seriously. Can they even be called actors when they're just playing themselves? Everything felt perfectly genuine. I loved the home-movie feeling this gives off, it makes it creepier to me. But dude the soundtrack. The soundtrack. I adore industrial/experimental sounds so this movie was a TREAT to listen to. I need to find and download the soundtrack. It is amazing. I'll probably add more to this cuz I am crazy about this movie.