What is Yume Nikki?!
Yume Nikki is a surreal exploration game that was released in a version of RPG Maker, back in 2004. It went on to be super influential and resonated with a ton of people, me included. You can probably tell as some art on my site looks like art from Kikiyama (the name of the dev). Their game has been a huge inspiration to me and has helped me express myself in ways I couldn't before. I'd like to share what my favorite parts of the game are, and the subsequent fanworks that followed which I also love. But those will probably have their own shrine, especially 2kki. That game is way too big to put on here.

This is the basic structure of the game: you are a girl named Madotsuki who refuses to leave her small room. With there only being a Famtendo with one bad game (sorry NASU ily I swear) and a journal to occupy herself with, Madotsuki retreats into her dreams. When she falls asleep, she appears in a dream version of her room. This one you can exit from, but only to a room of doors arranged in a circle called the Nexus. It is from here the rest of the game goes. You simply travel to deeper and deeper worlds, experiencing whatever you find in Madotsuki's dream world. Along the way, you can collect things known as Effects which once selected, do things. For example, the flute effect has Madotsuki play some notes on a flute. The fatten effect makes her fat. The cat effect turns her into a cat. Nearly all of these effects do a little animation when you press 1, and some perform specific actions. The afformentioned cat effect, when used, can make NPCs come towards you. The kitchen knife lets you kill NPCs to get money and access new areas. The Eye Palm effect makes you teleport back to the Nexus, so you don't have to wake up and fall back asleep. If you get all of the 24 effects and place them in the Nexus, you will get something like an ending.
If you've stopped by my links page, you might've seen the link to something called the Yume Nikki Online Project. It's a great way to experience the main game and especially the numberous fangames they host, as getting Japanese .exe files to run on a non-Japanese computer can be a bitch. There's a singleplayer mode which I would recommend for your first time through any game, and you don't have to make an account or download anything. Those are completely optional, but recommeded in the long run. If you just want to see if you like Yume Nikki and not commit to any downloads or accounts, this site is for you!